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e[b](i.includeMargin) : e[b](); j(); return k; } }); })); $(function() { setup(); }); function setup() { // First we get the viewport height and we multiple it by 1% to get a value for a vh unit let vh = window.innerHeight * 0.01; // Then we set the value in the --vh custom property to the root of the document document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--vh', `${vh}px`); var $mainSlider = $('.content').flickity({ // options cellAlign: 'left', contain: true, freeScroll: false, draggable: false, watchCSS: true, imagesLoaded: true, adaptiveHeight: false, selectedAttraction: 0.0185, friction: 0.35, wrapAround: true }); var practiceOptions = { imagesLoaded: true, draggable: true, contain: true, wrapAround: true, prevNextButtons: false, pageDots: true }; if (matchMedia('screen and (min-width: 960px)').matches) { practiceOptions.draggable = false; practiceOptions.pageDots = false; } var $practiceSlider = $('.practice__slider').flickity(practiceOptions); var $practiceNav = $('.practice__nav').flickity({ imagesLoaded: true, wrapAround: true, draggable: false, contain: true, mimic: { target: '.practice__slider', indexOffset: -1 }, prevNextButtons: false, pageDots: false }); $practiceNav.on('staticClick.flickity', function(event, pointer, cellElement, cellIndex) { if (!cellElement) { return; } $practiceSlider.flickity('next'); }); $practiceSlider.on('ready.flickity', function() { $practiceSlider.flickity('resize'); }); $practiceSlider.on('staticClick.flickity', function(event, pointer, cellElement, cellIndex) { // dismiss if cell was not clicked if (!cellElement) { return; } $practiceSlider.flickity('next'); }); $('.nav-control--prev').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $practiceSlider.flickity('previous'); }); $('.nav-control--next').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $practiceSlider.flickity('next'); }); $('.intro').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $('.intro').fadeOut(440); }); $('.info-overlay').hide(); $('#info__dr').hide(); calcInfo(); //calcConsult(); calcContact(); calcAddress(); $('.info-overlay__close').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $('.info-overlay').hide(); $('.header__logo').show(); $('.base-content').fadeIn(function(e) { $mainSlider.flickity('resize'); }); }); $('.link--overlay').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $('.base-content').hide(); if ($(window).width() < 960) { $('.header__logo').hide(); } $('.info-overlay').fadeIn(function(e) { $mainSlider.flickity('resize'); }); }); $('.info__nav-item').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var infoTarget = $(this).find('a').data('showinfo'); var $li = $(this); if (!$(this).find('a').hasClass('active')) { $li.siblings().find('a').removeClass('active'); $li.find('a').addClass('active'); $('.info__block--active').hide(); $('#' + infoTarget).fadeIn(); $('#' + infoTarget).addClass('info__block--active'); } }); $mainSlider.on('change.flickity', function(event, index) { if ($(event.target).hasClass('content')) { $('.nav-slide').removeClass('nav-slide--active'); $("[data-target=" + index + "]").addClass('nav-slide--active'); } }); $('.nav-slide').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $('.nav-slide').removeClass('nav-slide--active'); $(this).addClass('nav-slide--active'); if ($(window).width() >= 960) { $mainSlider.flickity('selectCell', $(this).data('target')); } else { $(window).scrollTo('#' + $(this).data('scrollto'), 256, { "offset": -50 }); } }); $(window).resize(function() { //calcConsult(); calcInfo(); calcContact(); calcAddress(); // We execute the same script as before let vh = window.innerHeight * 0.01; document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--vh', `${vh}px`); }); } function calcAddress() { if ($(window).width() >= 960) { var infoLogoHeight = $('.info__logo').innerHeight(); $('.content-block.content-block--address').css('height', Math.floor(infoLogoHeight) + 'px'); } } function calcInfo() { $('#info__dr,#info__practice').css('min-height', '0'); var infoDrHeight = $('#info__dr').actual('height'); var infoInfoHeight = $('#info__practice').actual('height'); $('#info__dr,#info__practice').css('min-height', Math.max(infoDrHeight, infoInfoHeight) + 'px'); } function calcContact() { if ($(window).width() >= 960) { $('.content-block--hours, .content-block--contact-info').css('min-height', '0'); var contactHoursHeight = $('.content-block--hours').actual('height'); var contactInfoHeight = $('.content-block--contact-info').actual('height'); $('.content-block--hours, .content-block--contact-info').css('min-height', Math.max(contactHoursHeight, contactInfoHeight) + 'px'); } } function calcConsult() { if ($(window).width() >= 960) { var overlayHeight = $('.info-overlay').actual('height'); //console.log(overlayHeight); $('.content-block--consult').css('min-height', overlayHeight + 'px'); } else { $('.content-block--consult').css('min-height', 'auto'); } }